
We believe that a church is not a building but a community of people who are committed to following Jesus together in every aspect of our lives.

As such, church isn’t just about services on a Sunday. There are a number of other things we do together during the week. Below are some of our regular activities:

Growing Together

A mid-week women’s Bible study group. We meet on Thursday mornings in school term time at 11.30am. We are currently meeting on Zoom. We socialise, study the Bible together and support each other in prayer. We aim to grow in our knowledge of, and our relationship with, God and with each other and so ‘grow together’.

Life Groups

As we seek to live out our Christian faith in the whole of life, our Life Groups provide an invaluable opportunity to meet regularly in a smaller group of people. This allows us to get to know each other better, support and pray for each other, and learn from the Bible together. We encourage everyone who comes regularly to Christ Church Trumpington to join a group.

We currently have 5 groups of around 8-12 people that meet on either Wednesday or Thursday evenings. Groups usually meet in homes in Trumpington and the surrounding area.

Growth Gatherings

Once a term we hold an evening Growth Gathering to think more deeply and learn from the Bible and one another about a particular aspect of living as a Christian.

Journeying Together

A mid-week group for international women for support, friendship, and prayer as we look to the Bible together to grow in our journey as followers of the Lord Jesus. Journeying Together meets during term time on Monday mornings.

If you would like to find out more about any of these activities, please speak to Andrew or one of the other leaders, or email: